It’s been an interesting time for the website. Covid-19 & quarantine has affected not just us, but the F&B industry as a whole. To be completely candid, it’s been a challenge to figure out how exactly to move forward with a blog that is heavily travel-based and encourages going out to beautiful, social places. When things were locked down, many of the places we have written about were required to close their doors. It was a hard decision to make, but we decided to slow our roll for a while. We simply did not want to behave like nothing had changed.
The rules for F&B are being rewritten in real time, and the publication needed to adjust with the times we are in. We’ve been workshopping with our creative staff during the last month, holding internal writing classes and design modules. And we’ve worked on ways to move forward with not just Daily Drink Magazine, but all of our publications and even the physical space that is HoneycombManila. I’m glad to say that we finally have a good plan.
The first move launched yesterday: the Mini Coffee Film Fest! 12 online films have been collated, broken down into a 6-part series, and reviewed. You’ll be getting daily posts about it for the next couple weeks, but you can also head on over to the website and binge watch..We’ll also be continuing to post about our favorite establishments throughout the region. Yes, things will be changing, but we still see it important to document places as they were, with an added effort to augment posts based on each location’s status whenever that is possible.
We’re also expanding our coverage of packaged beans, labels, etc. and features for drinks at home.
Finally, we’re going to have more editorial and opinion-based content. In uncertain times, it will be important to document how we all move forward — as customers, baristas, bartenders, and small business owners — so that if anything like this occurs again, we can look back and track a path using the breadcrumbs we leave in publications like
Thanks for sticking with us. We look forward to continuing to share this journey with you.
Wishing you health and safety,
Kayo Cosio
Editor In Chief,