Minimalism is more than just taking things away. Despite its name, a good minimalist design maximizes the use of empty space and directs more purpose to each element that is placed within the design. Plain Sight Coffee Roasters’ coffee packaging has succeeded in both of these regards.
Utilizing the 500 gram tall packet, they’ve folded the top backwards to match the smaller volume. The back flap is secured with a small rectangular sticker containing their social media info and the coffee’s roast date, plus a reminder to consume the product within 60 days. It’s a minimalist design success to be able to give a small object multiple purposes..
On the front, a rectangular sticker highlights the most important details that customers look for when buying their coffee, such as its origin, tasting notes, and roast profile. It is clear that the designer has a firm grasp of the minimalist philosophy, setting up lines and optical rules for negative space, then strategically breaking those rules for emphasis. Minimum elements, meet maximum function.
The minimalist movement can be summarized into a short statement: “less is more.” This statement, when unpacked, holds a lot more nuance than what can be seen in plain sight. When done right, the presence of less clutter brings more life through the empty spaces.
Follow @plainsightcoffee on Instagram.